Jungian Therapy

What Is Jungian Therapy?
Jungian psychotherapy is an approach developed by the Swiss psychiatrist C.G. Jung. He was one of the pioneers of depth psychology, which aims to increase awareness of the unconscious. Jungian therapy views the unconscious not only as a place where memories, thoughts and emotions are stored but also as a source of creativity, wisdom, and healing.
What Is Unique About Jungian Psychotherapy?
Jungian depth psychotherapy is highly optimistic because it assumes that in each of us an instinct exits to strive for wholeness and live in alignment with our true self. Jung called this drive to live authentically the process of individuation—the journey of becoming who we are meant to be.
We each carry a unique potential within us for meaning, wholeness, and creativity. When this potential is blocked, we may experience symptoms, dissatisfaction, and lack of meaning in our lives. Jungian therapy seeks to facilitate the unfolding of our true selves. Symptoms are viewed as not only something to be gotten rid of, but also as a source of wisdom pointing a way to growth.
In Jungian Therapy we will explore your images, feelings, dreams, symptoms, relational patterns, body sensations, and creative expressions to gain access to your inner wisdom. We explore dreamwork, active imagination, and other creative expressions through art, writing, movement, or ritual. Together, we will learn your unique symbolic language.

“The creative urge lives and grows like a tree in the earth from which it draws its nourishment. We would do well to think of the creative process as a living thing implanted in the human psyche.”
- C. G. Jung
How Can Jungian Therapy Help?
In addition to relieving symptoms, Jungian depth therapy can bring to life more passion, creativity, and meaning. Jung taught that we each have an organizing center of our personality that can guide and direct our life toward wholeness. However, due to trauma, connection to this center can become blocked, making it inaccessible to consciousness. Our work can help people cultivate a relationship with their inner compass that can guide them on their unique path of creative living.
Jungian Therapy especially suits people seeking personal and spiritual growth. It is a process of transformation that helps people who want to live out their purpose. The work helps people to live from their essential nature and express it in the world. It is deep and often moving.
For many years I’ve been dedicated to my own process of inner transformation and psycho-spiritual development. Helping others on their unique journey of individuation is the greatest privilege of my life.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
- C. G. Jung

I Would Be Honored To Help You Unfold Your Unique Path
I am fortunate to be able to help people live true to their creative selves. If you’re looking for a Jungian trauma-informed therapist in the San Francisco area, you can contact me or call me at 415-437-6002.