
A Healing Relationship Based On Compassion, Curiosity, And Respect
The foundation of my therapeutic work is grounded in an attitude of curiosity and respect. From this base we will collaborate in a treatment process that is insightful, healing, and empowering.
Jung advised that a new therapy be created for each person. You are unique, as is our work together. To this end my approach offers depth and breadth. We will engage in a healing relationship that is fine-tuned to your therapeutic goals, whether you want help with a difficult relationship, the grief from losing a loved one, the suffering caused by a lack of creativity in your life, or the questioning of your sexual orientation or gender identity.
I Help People Become Who They Are Meant To Be
My work is both practical and deep. I seek to help you heal past wounds so that you feel empowered in the present to create your desired future. First, we identify what you want to change and what is blocking you from achieving what you desire. Then we decide on a way forward that is uniquely tailored to your needs. My approach is a synthesis of different theories and modalities, including:
Trauma-Informed Therapy
Jungian Psychology
Attachment Theory
Psychodynamic and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Developmental Psychology
Parts Work and Internal Family Systems
Art, Journaling, Writing, Movement, Ritual, and Other Creative Mediums
Active Imagination
Mindfulness Practices
Self-Regulation Skills
The Neurobiology of Trauma

“Not all who wander are lost”
Holistic, Trauma-Informed, Analytic Depth Psychology
Together we will engage in a holistic approach that honors the interconnections between mind, body, and spirit and takes into account the interplay of multiple contexts in life: biological, psychological, social-political, cultural, and spiritual. I welcome and enjoy working with people with diverse identities and backgrounds: social, cultural, racial, gender, sexual, religious and spiritual.
As a Trauma-informed Therapist I have extensive experience in working with people who have experienced early childhood trauma and neglect, interpersonal trauma, intergenerational trauma, and complex trauma. I am a Certified EMDR Therapist and have had the privilege of helping people heal from a variety of traumatic experiences.
My approach is influenced by Jung’s analytic psychology, especially his emphasis on the process of becoming one’s true self. Please see my Jungian Therapy page to learn more.
My work is also informed by Attachment Theory and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Together we can explore how your attachment style and early formative experiences are playing out in your current relationships and possibly interfering with you living a more fulfilling life. Before one can change, one must understand how some of one’s thoughts, feelings, negative beliefs, and behavioral habits keep one stuck repeating old patterns.
I also help people work with parts of themselves that emerged to protect them from hurt, pain, or trauma but that are now preventing them from living fuller lives. With early and severe trauma these protectors can become destructive and can manifest as symptoms, addictive behaviors, and negative relationship patterns. Over time these parts can become allies in healing. My Parts Work is a synthesis of Internal Family Systems (IFS), Ego-state, structural dissociation, and Jungian approaches.
Together we can explore your current life, relationships, thoughts, feelings, emotions, bodily sensations, memories, dreams, and creative expressions. Along the way I can teach you about the neurobiology of trauma, self-regulation skills, and various meditation practices. I have found that working with dreams greatly accelerates the therapeutic process and many of my clients have found creative expression through journaling, art, writing, dance, or ritual especially rich and meaningful. Often, I am moved by witnessing the discovery, excitement, and joy that accompanies the creative process.

“The best way out is always through.”

You Are The Ultimate Expert On You
Although I have many years of training and experience, you are the expert on you. I see myself as a guide and a consultant to your deepest self. I will train you to become your own therapist and help you develop deep and meaningful ways of working with your true self.
I Would Be Honored To Help You Heal And Unfold Your Unique Potential
It is a privilege to be able to work with people in such deep ways and to help people live a more meaningful and creative lives true to their unique, creative selves. If you’re looking for a therapist in the San Francisco area, you can contact me or call me at 415-437-6002.